Friday, December 4, 2009

Video Making (Final)

So the final project or making a narrative slideshow on my passion/hobby – film was a good way to show an artistic perspective and master several skills. I started off with trying to come up with a narration, I went through several drafts but in the end I ended up with three excerpts that I divided up through the two minutes (beginning, middle and end). As shown below:

1) Video making is more than just a passion for’s an escape. Even just the feel of a video camera in my hands makes my creativity flow. My heart beats with delight when I think about the essence of Hollywood---teamwork, professionalism, and artistic expression.

2) When we made our short movies, we did not necessarily need a certain time of day or hundreds of dollars to purchase equipment and hire actors. We were not that intense. We knew we were not them. It was more of a pleasurable hobby, just friends passing the time. As long as we had a camera, and people nearby who were willing to act in our movies, we were golden.

3) Ideas just bubbled up, and my friends and I felt the urge to express them through video making. It is incredible to transform a dream into a reality. To actually take a thought or idea and turn it into an image on the screen to share with others.

Once I knew what I was going to say, I needed to find twenty pictures relating to video making/film. This proved to be extremely time consuming because it was hard to find pictures pertaining to people working on the set let alone in high resolution. Once I found a good solid eighteen to twenty pictures I than inserted them into Photoshop to check the resolution and resize them and than resizing and arrangement in PowerPoint by dragging or inserting the images in.

Furthermore, I wanted the first two slides to be none pictures to go with a natural sound I was going to use for about ten seconds (a film projector). I made a title screen that said “Video Making” and my name in Cracked font with a red outlining to stand out and a little film strip art image by its side. For the second slide I found and used a quote that summed up film making to me as well. The quote related video making to poetry or expressing your mind or dreams through moving images.

So once the first two slides were done and all the pictures, I had to insert sound into the first slide to run for just two slide which was the film projector noise. And than background music I found. I set all slides to run after previous and set them to a six second timer.

I than did command shift 4 on each slide and made them a png which I than converted to a jpeg in Iphoto. Later, I recorded my narration using audacity and divided each of the three excerpts up. It was audible because I lowered the background music and increased the narration. In audacity I copied the narration, background music and film project in the first ten seconds made sure it was all arranged perfectly than exported it as wav and put it into iTunes to convert to an mp3.

I than made a separate folder for the pictures and the mp3. I opened sound slide made a new project selected the jpeg folder of my slides and than the sound folder. I rearranged all the pictures and clicked the tab to change the heading to Video Making. I than exported the final project in soundslides to make a publish to web folder which I than posted to webng and the blog following my instructions:

1) I needed to create one file from all the items in the publish to web folder made from sound slides
2) I selected all items in the folder
3) Right Click > compress items > archive zip
4) Went to account I made
5) File manager
6) New: Slide Show Test > Create directory
7) Click on new folder
8) Upload files
9) Browse > Find the zip made from publish to web folder >Open > click upload button
10) Click check box next to zip
11) Click unzip button > ok
12) Click check box next to .zip > Delete
13) Click url link on top (under file manager title)
14) Copy And paste website url to blog by using soundslide embed utility
15) copied embed code into the edit html tab under post in blogspot

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Online Brochure Homepage

The online brochure homepage was interesting. Why am I saying that? Because I never designed a web page mock up before in Photoshop nor did I know I could transform the Nicaraga brochure into a virtual representation of it. Top picture is the final version and the one below that was a rough copy. I posted both so you could see the full transformation.

My partner (Jacqueline Popoloski) and I used some of the pictures from the brochure with the addition of a map, and added colorful gradients in the background to make it enticing to the viewer but not too distracting. We kept font consistent and made the size appropriate according to its importance and place. The pictures were each indivually stroked to stand out. The top titles and bottom bar of links to click were given a gray font and a "|" divider. We looked at a plethora of other websites to come to a consensus of what titles to use on top and bottom while thinking of it in relationship to the brochure. Anyways, I think it's a decent website homepage that isn't cluttered or ugly that properly represents our brochure.

Quark bind in/blow Card (Color + Bar side)

I had the option of doing the Bar side in Quark or Adobe Indesign, I picked Quark for a change and I thought Quark had better manipulation with shapes than Indesign. In the end it was fine but I think Indesign would be easily because Quark had a terrible grid system which made placing and alignment of bar codes etc. difficult. Also the shape manipulation was the exact same if not worse than Indesign plus Quark crashed on me a total of two times which Indesign hasn't yet with me.

So after making the right size box 6 in by 4 in, I used text content tool to make boxes for text. And picture content tool to add in images like the recycling one > file import, click picture than re-size by playing with the box. Again measurements and general good judgment was a must. And as always trying to nail the fonts and their sizes were a trial and error process. Most of the font was Arial, and Cambria.

To stroke boxes, I clicked the box > frame > changed the point of the width of the box. That came in handy for making the bar codes. At first I had no clue how to do a bar with that thickness. I found the line tool and made lines with the correct measurement/placement but they still weren't thick enough. So eventually I clicked them > frame > changed width to 2 pt for the vertical bars on the top and 4 pts for the horizontal thicker bars. For the little bars on the bottom I got creative and used "|" on the keyboard, so 12 pt font for the bigger lines and 8 pt for the smaller line and than I just copied and pasted it to make the correct pattern and it looked perfect.

The bar side of the bind-in card was definitely simple compared to the other side of the card, but it still took careful precision and playing around, especially with Quark a program I'm even less familiar with than In Design. In the end, it looks very similar to the actual card, but I still believe Adobe Indesign is a better program. Sorry Quark but if your going to crash on me you will remain on my bad list!

The color side of the Bind-In Card in Quark followed the exact same steps as InDesign. It was easier and faster because I wrote down all the fonts I used and measurements. So, it mainly was inserting the data back in and adapting my skills towards a different program which is similar to the Adobe one. Please read the rationale for the Indesign one, the main characteristics that were different was the use of the picture and text content tools. However, I still do believe Indesign is a better program because it did not crash on me, while Quark did at least once on both sides of the bind in card. Quark also looks more simpler as shown by the small tool bar compared to Indesign but instead it's more of a pain. There is no easy access font bar in quark and the line tool does not automatically straighten the lines, stroking a picture is also harder (under frame instead of stroke). All in all, Indesign was easier and had more tools that were more user-friendly.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Indesign Bind-in card

So, the Bind-in Card (non bar side) made In-Design was fun, and I learned a lot (even impressed myself) but it was definitely time consuming.

I spent hours and hours. How come? Well for starters, figuring out the fonts and their size was a complete trial and error process which took time due to the plethora to choose from. Exact measurements were a must. I needed to use a ruler to measure every dimension of the actual bind in card and than I needed to insert the data or use the ruler tool to match the exact measurement. I also didn't know Adobe In Design that well so finding the right tool, and short cuts, and/or ways to do certain procedures was a learning process (now I feel very familiar with the program).

The procedure: Made new document > no border > Selected area with rectangle frame tool and inserted corresponding measurements to make the right size. To fill the box with color I would select area > fill tool (x) > pick color. To insert an image/picture I Would go to rectangle frame tool > place > image. I would use the text box tool to make text boxes and than I was able to write inside of them in my selected location. And I used the line tool to make the black line go down the bind in card. Font: Orangecoast - strayhorn mt std 25 pt, sub font below Orangecoast: copperplate light. I would use the free transform tool to tweak the size, spacing and dimensions of the font by scaling the x or y %. "If you love orange" Abadimt condensed light. To make the check mark boxes I used Linotype warning Pi - letter 'Y'. Used Granjon Lt STD for the $ sign. The rest of the fonts were Inaimathi and Helevetica with Arial for the "Please print and smaller fonts." For the lines I did _____ repeating on the keyboard and for the red box I made a text box > stroke > red.

Overall, I'm very proud, at first I looked at the bind-in card and I felt extremely overwhelmed. I had no clue how to use In-design before let alone replicate the card. But in the end it's almost exactly the same looking - an achievement for me.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Nicaragua Brochure

The brochure took a while in Adobe Indesign but the great part about it is that we are actually going to use it. So my partner (Jacqueline Popoloski) and I went to Nicaragua a summer ago through Friends for Students for 60,000, for seven days. It was a life changing adventure. So why make the brochure on it? Because we are planning another trip with the organization to go back. The brochure will help us convince our friends and/or parents for them to go.

The Brochure speaks to people we are trying to recruit by answering their main questions based on information we acquired or learned from our previous trip there. So it's not generic material from any non government organization (NGO) to get people to go, instead it's based on an experience from a reliable source - a friend. A typical trip itinerary was provided with most of the events mentioned being what we did on our previous trip. A few paragraphs on the organization and reasons why you should volunteer that my partner and I quickly brainstormed together. The other page is basically contact information, so they know how to ask additional questions to the main planner of the organization and reasons why to donate. Donations/grants are the main way we raise money to build homes/provide aid to those in need in Nicaragua. All the information is neatly listed with bullets instead of being cramped, over whelming and cluttered.

And to top it all off, pictures and a color scheme/layout was made that was aesthetically pleasing only enhancing the seriousness and the interest of the brochure. We used a brown gradient and green top for the title with black font to make a South American -Nicaraguan feel. The title content used a futura std light and the content was just a futura font. The pictures used were taken from our previous trip and were stroked to make them stand out. They were inserted using placing and precise measurements to make them aligned perfectly. For the picture on the bottom of Friends of Students for 60,000 we used text wrap to make the font go around the picture with enough space. And for contact information under the first picture we inserted the Nicaraguan flag > made it vertical > change the opacity, so the font was legible.

Furthermore, Setting up the panels required use of the rectangle frame tool and perfect measurements. It mainly was a trial and error process of placing and sizing with the text boxes and insertion of the pictures. A separate box was made for the titles and than a text box individually for each. Again, a lot of trial and error with picking the fonts, sizing them, bullets, kerning and spacing, free transform tool, text wrap and even stroking and placing the pictures. We are definitely proud of including all the information we deemed necessary while making it look eye rewarding. It will help us a lot with future recruitment of the Nicaragua trip which we and the organization are grateful for. If given more time, we would give it to the people interested in the trip and get their critiques and than tweak the brochure accordingly.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Embedded Video using Webng (Soundslides)

How I did it or what I needed to do from following the tutorial
1) I needed to create one file from all the items in the publish to web folder made from sound slides
2) I selected all items in the folder
3) Right Click > compress items > archive zip
4) Went to account I made
5) File manager
6) New: Slide Show Test > Create directory
7) Click on new folder
8) Upload files
9) Browse > Find the zip made from publish to web folder >Open > click upload button
10) Click check box next to zip
11) Click unzip button > ok
12) Click check box next to .zip > Delete
13) Click url link on top (under file manager title)
14) Copy And paste website url to blog by using soundslide embed utility
15) copied embed code into the edit html tab under post in blogspot

Monday, October 26, 2009

Foo Fighters Poster Design Rationale

Where to begin? This project again was Foo Fighters themed and a roller coaster of creativity. I truly had no clue where it'd end up or what would change from my initial sketch. The rough sketch I made for the poster consisted of flames jutting from the tail of the plane which formed Foo Fighters title at the top. In the cockpit was faces of the band members. On the missiles were the names of the band members. On the plane were albums covers from the band. And below the plane was the venue information. You know what is cool? When I drew the picture I didn't think I could actually produce it in Photoshop/Quark, it was more of a dream. However, it came true for the most part. Sure it isn't perfect (like no flames forming the band's name) but it is truly neat that my image in my mind or in a drawing can actually come to life with dedication and experimentation.

Before I can talk about the background I have to mention where most the hours went on this project: the centerpiece. The main object of the poster also the aspect I was most proud of was a fighter jet (Foo Fighter meant UFO that's how the band got their name). I found the fighter from Flickr and magnetic lasso'd it into the 11x17 poster document. I than found pictures of the band members where I magnetic lasso'd and free transformed the sizes of their heads into the cockpit of the plane. On the missles I used the vertical title tool and wrote each member of the band (2 on each missle). And of course I found all the album covers from the band which I copied over and placed/resized and rotated them around the plane in areas that made sense as if it was painted on or tattoo'd. In order to make it more believable and to blend into the plane I gave each cover the multiply effect to have a faded in/ink look on the plane's frame. I than decided the plane needed an outline to stand out. So I Magnetic Lasso'd the outline of the plane > edit > stroke > picked a certain thickness I wanted/color I wanted.

The process of the background started in Photoshop with the gradient tool. I selected the 11x17 background with the tool and made it all red. I then made a strip going down the background which I made blue to add a cool clashing effect across the middle of the plane and its cockpit. I than added the band's name blue for 'Foo' on the red background and red for 'Fighters' on the blue stripe.

On the way top I wrote "The Best" in large font to catch eyes. And on the bottom under the plane was the venue information arranged in a Z format. Meaning, the lines of font followed a Z pattern which is known for the way the eyes follows an image. The venue information and "The Best" wasn't standing out enough, so I used the gradient tool once again and made a blue rectangle on the top making sure the font layer was above the background. And a red rectangle on the bottom. This was planned, the blue on the top actually ended up forming a '7' with the blue stripe in the middle - that was intentional. It ended up representing the 7 for september 7th when the concert was occuring. To make the 7 stand out even more I added a thin red line on the very top of the poster and made the bottom red rectangle more blended in with the red above it.

At the very end, I added a little information on some of the music the band was featuring than manipulated it using the warp text -shell lower to add a almost 3D like effect to the font/plane. And I decided to use the transparent spray tool around some of the edges of the plane to match the outline of the plane/background and gave it an overall unique look as if it was spray painted. All in all, I'm proud of the plane the most and the eye catching properties the poster contains.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Foo Fighters PowerPoint Design Rationale

I did my 5 slides PowerPoint on one of my favorite bands –the Foo Fighters. The entire project took around 10 hours despite looking simple and only being one minute long. The title’s slide although time consuming was pretty basic. The only hard part of the first slide was the sound. We needed to insert an .mp3 one-minute loop of a 30 second segment of a song from our band. This was done using iTunes, audacity and selecting an option in PowerPoint. The real pain came with timing each slide perfectly so the viewer could see the contents and all the effects could come in properly while keeping the 5 slides to the one minute time frame to work with the one minute song loop. First off, it is mandatory to set every slide and effect to ‘run after previous’ which is found in the custom animation tab. Also, clicking a slide then pushing transitions tab > options button, it allowed me to change the time for each slide if I picked run automatically after a select amount of seconds. I constantly found myself trying to tweak each slide by seconds trying to make it work.

So first off the full song, “The Pretender” was in iTunes already as an .mp3. I then dragged the song into audacity, which is used to edit music and made the 30-second loop. In audacity I selected part of the song that made up 30 seconds, I then copied it and opened a new window and pasted it twice side by side to make up one minute (it flowed smoothly). I then exported the loop from audacity as a .wav file > dragged into iTunes > and converted it into mp3 (under advanced tab > create mp3 version). In the title slide I inserted the sound. This was done by inserting sound > select the loop mp3 > slideshow tab > custom animation > media options > under stop playing pick after 5 slides (that way the song plays through the entire PowerPoint).

Now for slide two – the fun facts. I searched a bunch of websites for interesting or just general facts about the band that perhaps the commoner wouldn’t know. I then limited each bullet to no more then 10 words, no complete sentences or anything to overwhelm the viewer. I changed the bullets by right clicking the slide > bullets and numbering then selected a more appealing one. The font and the picture in the background was a trial and error process. I believe I went through at least 5 different font combinations for the title and the content until it looked aesthetically appealing (title font = Papyrus, content font = Tekton Pro), while trying to keep the title font the same for all the slides. Same goes for the picture, I actually ended up searching for ‘Foo Fighter desktop wallpaper.’ The results were good quality pictures that could be expanded without stretching the image out of proportion. I sent the image behind the text by selecting the picture > right clicking the picture > arrange > send to back. Now lets get into effects because there are a lot of them (entrance effects which can be found under custom animation). The title ‘Fun Facts’ had a spinner effect, the content had a bounce effect and after each bullet the font would gray out. The graying out effect was achieved by selecting font > custom animation > more effect options > after animation > picked grey as the color.

The third slide had to have an album cover from the band on one side with the album’s songs and their time lengths next to it. I went to slide layout’s tab and picked content with caption layout. I found the album cover Echoes, Silence, Patience & Grace, and dragged it into the layouts right box, I than for the title on the left hand side put the album’s name and underneath inserted the names and time lengths of the song. This looks easier then it seems. I went to alignment and spacing > horizontal > distributed > I then needed to hit the space bar before the time to fix the spacing. The album font was Papyrus in italics and the content font was Bembo Std. I tried to add numerous effects to spice it up while keeping in mind the time constraints and the viewer. First the album name appears with a fade effect, than the picture fades in as well. The song names and time lengths come in with a fly in effect at a perfect pace, making it easy to read and aesthetically pleasing.

The fourth slide was by far the hardest. It dealt with making a chart comparing 4 different aspects of the band. At first I used a table template but then realized I couldn’t manipulate the words in each box, only the table as a whole as if it was a merged layer. Therefore, I needed to insert > shape, from there I picked the square shape and stretched it out to 4 box lengths and I did that 4 times on top of each other. I then changed each row to be aesthetically pleasing with a white-black alteration. This was pleasing but also a pain because later I needed to individually select each box and change the font (white font on a black box, or black font on a white box). I then picked a line shape and made 3 lines down the boxes to divide them up vertically, the color of the boxes divided them horizontally. Okay so now for what I exactly compared. I compared four songs from the Foo Fighters using their duration, year released and the album they come from. So I used the text box button and inserted the information manually in every box trying to make it as even as possible. The title font was Papyrus and the box font was Bembo Std. I then found another wallpaper of the Foo Fighters > right clicked picture > arrange > send to back to make it more appealing. The effects are where this slide really shines – over 25 effects used. Because I manually made the chart, I made the boxes come in first with ‘light speed’, than the lines ‘peek in’, row 1 had all different effects, row 2 and 3 used ‘dissolve in’ and lastly, row used ‘spinner’. I tried to keep all the fonts and their sizes similar. All in all, I think it’s my best slide and the most aesthetically pleasing.

The last slide (5) was the most fun – it had to be a collage of the band. The title was again consistent (Papyrus – “The Best of the Best”). I found eleven pictures of the band, and inserted them into the slide one at a time, each having a unique effect and position. At the end of the wonderful sequence I inserted a picture I made myself following some of the rules from the collage project. Basically, I used Photoshop and merged photos together by manipulating layers of 6 or so pictures, cropping heads of the band members from several different pictures onto their bodies from one picture and then a album picture and the lead singer on the sides. I then changed the saturation and hue a little bit to get a cool color scheme. It worked out amazingly, the collage made a ripple like effect because some of the pictures in the collage were used alone in the before sequence. After all the picture effects were over, I had the hyperlink of the band appear, which was done by right clicking the slide > hyperlink > I put in the Foo fighters main website and under display I wrote “Visit the official Foo Fighters site – click here!” The hyperlink appeared just as the song ended and after the picture/collage sequence.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Animation and Rationale

The animation was a blast (see the collage rationale to understand the images and the font poem rationale to understand the fonts used).

So how does one make an animation in Photoshop?
-Have font poem open with all layers visible, save collage as .gif or jpeg than select collage > copy and past it into the font poem psd. It should show up as a layer with the words with the font poem. In Photoshop > window > animation to begin. To control what appears you just click the eye button next to each layer. So if the eye button was on for that layer it'd appear, so basically I clicked the eye button only for certain words on each slide. Than you would do a new slide and make sure the eye was clicked off from the previous slide. Every other slide I had my collage slowly starting to come in by increasing the opacity by 5% --I did this to add a cool flame flicker effect.

When the collage wasn't fading in, I had the words come in sometimes in groups or repeated for emphasis. I had dream appear once in the collage to show that the collage is dream-like and merging of both worlds. At the end I had the font poem over the collage. I needed to change some of the font colors in order to work with all the red of the firey look. Also, the word side for some reason or another didn't show up as a layer when I clicked the eye button. So I had to copy and paste it from the font poem saved file into the animation psd. Annoying part about that is if you add/change one aspect of a slide it affect all other slides.

I had 33 slides because I had 22 words and every other slide was the collage. So a lot to deal with, compared to other people who had only 12 words and a similar amount of slides. My slides were fast paced .5 seconds per except on the last 3 slides which were "to scream", the font poem over the collage and just the collage itself in full visibility.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Collage Rationale

The Collage may look like anyone can do in a matter of seconds but in reality it takes time and pain staking decision making. So basically I needed to find pictures of myself or use some of the ones provided to make a larger image made out of smaller ones layered on top of each other. The main point was to master the skills in Photoshop, have an artistic look and make it unique according to my font poem "I woke up on this side. I thought it was a dream. At first we learned to walk. Then learned to scream." The real fun came after mastering the skills. First I should actually describe what the skills were, 1) Merging layers, 2) Using masks on the images,
3) Working with layers 4) Positioning of images 5) Playing with hue/saturation/opacity and blending modes. It's safe to say that the main concept deals with mastering photos and layer manipulation.

During the collage, I found many useful tips or ways around obstacles I initially encountered. To copy a picture in to the collage, you drag it into photoshop > select > select all > edit > copy into the collage. In order to view all the images being used go to window - arrange - tile. Right click a layer than go to layer properties to rename it to each according body part. Folders can be made to drag certain layers to organize it or for editing where you can select only some layers to be affected by a change either in the folder or outside of it. To change the size of the picture you can click edit - free transform and just scale it down with the mouse or type in a percentage for the height and width at the top bar while selecting the crop tool than click the chain link button and it will than affect both. Blending mode and other is in pull-down menu in layers other can be found through right clicking the layer or above the layer list. If the image is on multiply mode it will adapt all the hue/saturation changes any photo gets, so I kept the images on normal if I didn't want them to change in color.

Okay enough about my tips, now more about the fun stuff. Like I said once I got the basics down, we had a lot of space for creativity. I wanted a fire effect, more particularly, a flame. What I did was get a fire background, but still wasn't enough. I even magnetic lasso'd in a picture of myself on both sides looking outwards with a thumbs up. In the end I found color negative RGB which turned my blue saturated lame collage to a fiery masterpiece with a flame glow in my sun glasses on both sides. I than made some of the images semi-transparent to add the flame flicker effect. I also put fingers on the hands to emphasize them and a pointing directing. Having the images under mainly linear light and multiply I was able to make them all blend very neatly. The faces also make me smile because it follows the font poem "learned to scream", also gives off the feeling of a 4 headed monster with 4 arms and only 2 legs. The middle of the collage (my back) clashes with a blue inverted look. Because the back is suppose to represent the word "side" which to me represents not only a position but a powerful feeling or emotion that distinguishes itself from the rest.

If I had more time I would make more layers, more personal connection or secrets and just make it all blend better. The collage was really fun, I loved the personal connection and creativity in it while it allowed me to home in some of my skills in Photoshop.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Font Poem Rationale

I chose the particular excerpt from the song because All American Rejects is my favorite band and I felt that it had a powerful meaning behind it. Every word brings a different image in my mind. For example side could literally mean a part of your body but to me it means waking up with a different personality. First we learn to walk then learned to scream can be intrepreted in numerous ways. Regardless if you break it down it means you start small like a whimper then work your way to something bigger like a roar to get heard. I picked several different fonts with only the ‘to’ and ‘I’ as the same font, so, 18 different fonts for 22 words. I than altered them through Photoshop using the transformation tool; special effects, fonts, colors and spacing that matched the particular word appropriately.

The fonts for each word: I (Matura mt script capitals), Woke (Braggadocio), Up (Copperplate gothic bold), On (Mesquite Std), This (Rad std), Side (Brush script std), Thought (Abadi mt condensed extra bold), It (Birch std), Was (Curlz mt), A (Arial), Dream (Cracked), At (Rosewood std), First (Stencil), We (Synchro let), Learned#1 (Umbra std), To (Prestige elite std), Walk (Banco std), Then (Critter std), Learned#2 (Pompeia std), Scream (Quake std).

Some of the effects, and tweaks for each word: I (red outer-shadow) Woke (spaced, multiply, inner shadow, satin, a variety of red per each letter), Up (skewed using tool under free transform, crisp font), On (outer glow, yellow), Side (vertical text, satin, opacity 70%), Thought (free transform diagonal, 2 letters have color), It (bevel & emboss, pattern overlay), A (twist, pattern overlay), Dream (twist, each letter has a different shade of blue, lowered opacity, outer glow) At (white font with outer glow, increased size for added effect), First (wave), We (squeeze, pattern overlay), Learned#1 (Inner glow), Walk (inner glow), Then (outer glow and spacing), Learned#2 (pattern overlay), Scream (inflate, inner shadow, outer glow, inner glow, bevel emboss, color overlay, gradient overlay)

I encountered only two problems. The first was before I even started the project. The default mode in Photoshop was in bitmap instead of RGB. Hence, I couldn’t add layers for each word or even start. The second was when the person sitting next to me started the project late and asked how to make the background black. He didn’t have the background layer selected so it wasn’t working. Eventually I told him to select it, then edit > fill > background > black.

I’m most proud of the different characteristics from each word - In other words, the uniqueness. The vibrant colors, and positions of the words really bring out the inner emotion of the excerpt from the song. For example the ‘on’ is glowing like a light bulb and is actually placed on the ‘this’ and ‘scream’, ‘at’, ‘dream’ and ‘woke’ particularly stand out –acting as eye candy. It may seem simple in some parts but in reality each word had a tremendous amount of thought and creativity involved. The font poem has an array of different attributes, all with a hidden personal meaning.

Friday, September 4, 2009

Design Rationale Contact Sheet

The first row in the contact sheet dealt with DPI. I never knew what DPI stood for but I always figured that it had something to do with picture quality. It means dots per inch, which more specifically deals with an images resolution. The first task was to find an image with 1200 DPI through Morguefile’s or Flickr’s website. This turned out to be a trial and error process because some of the photos were either copy righted, in GIF (generated image format) or was simply the wrong DPI. I found a 1200 DPI picture by simply typing 1200 DPI in the search bar of Flickr. The image was then dragged into to the desktop and put into a folder labeled contact sheet for organization and then into Photoshop where it would undergo any necessary transformation. To find the DPI/resolution of an image in Photoshop go to image tab > image size > under resolution: 1200. Also every image in the contact sheet couldn’t be taller than one inch, so for every picture I had to go to the image tab > image size > change height to one inch. So the 1200 DPI photo only needed its height changed then it could be saved and dragged into the contact sheet document to its according box. For the other pictures in the row go to image tab > image size > change resolution to the desired DPI – rinse and repeat. And of course continue the saving and dragging to the contact sheet document making sure all the heights are one inch and the original photo was still in tact in case any mess-ups occurred.

The second row of the contact sheet was formatting centered. We needed to find a colorful photo over 180 DPI which I found using a trial and error process on Flickr again. The first box I did was RGB, which is monitor color (red, green and black). I did not have to do much work because Photoshop’s default mode is in RGB, so after turning the height of the image to one inch it was ready to be put into the document. Another box was CYMK or print color, I went to image tab> mode > CYMK. However, I had to save the file as a adobe PDF instead of jpg and then was able to drag it into the document. For black and white, I had to remember to set the mode back to RGB, than I was able to go to image > adjustments > black and white. And lastly for Duotone, I had to use the original photo, set it to a height of one inch and then image tab > mode > Duotone. We were allowed to play around with some colors until we decided on two and saved it as a Photoshop PDF then dragged it into the document finishing the second row.

The third row required us to use the crop tool. The crop tool is on the left tool bar in Photoshop. We found a different picture again180 DPI or more keeping the height 1 inch. The first box had to be square. So using the crop tool and selecting the picture made a bar on top of the screen appear where you could type in the height or width of the crop for the image. Square had to be 1-inch width and 1 inch height than saved and transferred over to document. Another key tip was starting the crop in the corner instead of middle or the picture would be zoomed in. For the landscape box height had to be less then width (h < w), so I did 1 inch height and 1.5 inch width, cropping any part of the picture and saving it as a jpg as usual. Lastly for the portrait box width had to be less then the height (w
The fourth row dealt with framing or cropping. Key tips to remember for this row was remembering the width from the image size tab and then writing the width in the top bar of Photoshop and keeping the height always at one inch. That way it matches up the original picture with the new crop size. Also it is crucial to make sure your using the original before cropping a picture, so go to open recent and click the original before beginning a new box. The first box had to be a close-up, so I went to the crop tool, made a box in the middle of the picture then moved the box towards the desired spot. After that, I double clicked the spot and the picture zoomed in the area I selected. The second box was basically more of a zoom out of the first and the third box was even more of a zoom out of the second. Basically, it is simpler to start with the original (the 4th box of the row), and then use the crop tool, make your selection, tweak the width and height accordingly and keep zooming in slightly for the 2nd and 3rd boxes and then the close-up is a max zoom on the spot you were aiming for.

The fifth row was about content from abstract to representational. The hard part was finding a decent photo where you could crop to trick the human eye into not knowing what they were looking for. I also had to remember to transfer over the same width and keeping the height one inch from the image size tab to the top bar that appears after selecting the crop tool. So for the abstract box I cropped a part of an image, then double clicked the selected area until it was zoomed in or focusing on a spot of the object, making sure no one could tell what the object was. The two other boxes in between abstract and representational, I used the crop tool and slightly zoomed out by selecting a wider area then double clicking. And lastly for representational, the photo had to look more like the original object/more identifiable, so I just used the original picture to show the contrast from abstract. It was interesting the photo went from a tree looking object (abstract) to a bird (representational).

The last row or the sixth was simple but fun, it dealt with purpose and filters. I found an interesting photo of myself and then put it into Photoshop and than the fun started. I went to the filter tab and picked the artistic palette knife feature and I was able to play around with the detail or different characteristics until I was happy. The next box I went to filter > motion > average blur which fascinated me because it made it look like I was rocking back and forth. The third box I went to filter > sketch > photocopy which turned me into a black and white with almost a comic book feel to it. And the last box was journalistic which was just the original photo. The journalistic box made the entire row interesting because the viewer can now compare the pictures from the other boxes to the original to see it’s transformation through the various filters.