Monday, November 16, 2009

Indesign Bind-in card

So, the Bind-in Card (non bar side) made In-Design was fun, and I learned a lot (even impressed myself) but it was definitely time consuming.

I spent hours and hours. How come? Well for starters, figuring out the fonts and their size was a complete trial and error process which took time due to the plethora to choose from. Exact measurements were a must. I needed to use a ruler to measure every dimension of the actual bind in card and than I needed to insert the data or use the ruler tool to match the exact measurement. I also didn't know Adobe In Design that well so finding the right tool, and short cuts, and/or ways to do certain procedures was a learning process (now I feel very familiar with the program).

The procedure: Made new document > no border > Selected area with rectangle frame tool and inserted corresponding measurements to make the right size. To fill the box with color I would select area > fill tool (x) > pick color. To insert an image/picture I Would go to rectangle frame tool > place > image. I would use the text box tool to make text boxes and than I was able to write inside of them in my selected location. And I used the line tool to make the black line go down the bind in card. Font: Orangecoast - strayhorn mt std 25 pt, sub font below Orangecoast: copperplate light. I would use the free transform tool to tweak the size, spacing and dimensions of the font by scaling the x or y %. "If you love orange" Abadimt condensed light. To make the check mark boxes I used Linotype warning Pi - letter 'Y'. Used Granjon Lt STD for the $ sign. The rest of the fonts were Inaimathi and Helevetica with Arial for the "Please print and smaller fonts." For the lines I did _____ repeating on the keyboard and for the red box I made a text box > stroke > red.

Overall, I'm very proud, at first I looked at the bind-in card and I felt extremely overwhelmed. I had no clue how to use In-design before let alone replicate the card. But in the end it's almost exactly the same looking - an achievement for me.

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