Friday, September 4, 2009

Design Rationale Contact Sheet

The first row in the contact sheet dealt with DPI. I never knew what DPI stood for but I always figured that it had something to do with picture quality. It means dots per inch, which more specifically deals with an images resolution. The first task was to find an image with 1200 DPI through Morguefile’s or Flickr’s website. This turned out to be a trial and error process because some of the photos were either copy righted, in GIF (generated image format) or was simply the wrong DPI. I found a 1200 DPI picture by simply typing 1200 DPI in the search bar of Flickr. The image was then dragged into to the desktop and put into a folder labeled contact sheet for organization and then into Photoshop where it would undergo any necessary transformation. To find the DPI/resolution of an image in Photoshop go to image tab > image size > under resolution: 1200. Also every image in the contact sheet couldn’t be taller than one inch, so for every picture I had to go to the image tab > image size > change height to one inch. So the 1200 DPI photo only needed its height changed then it could be saved and dragged into the contact sheet document to its according box. For the other pictures in the row go to image tab > image size > change resolution to the desired DPI – rinse and repeat. And of course continue the saving and dragging to the contact sheet document making sure all the heights are one inch and the original photo was still in tact in case any mess-ups occurred.

The second row of the contact sheet was formatting centered. We needed to find a colorful photo over 180 DPI which I found using a trial and error process on Flickr again. The first box I did was RGB, which is monitor color (red, green and black). I did not have to do much work because Photoshop’s default mode is in RGB, so after turning the height of the image to one inch it was ready to be put into the document. Another box was CYMK or print color, I went to image tab> mode > CYMK. However, I had to save the file as a adobe PDF instead of jpg and then was able to drag it into the document. For black and white, I had to remember to set the mode back to RGB, than I was able to go to image > adjustments > black and white. And lastly for Duotone, I had to use the original photo, set it to a height of one inch and then image tab > mode > Duotone. We were allowed to play around with some colors until we decided on two and saved it as a Photoshop PDF then dragged it into the document finishing the second row.

The third row required us to use the crop tool. The crop tool is on the left tool bar in Photoshop. We found a different picture again180 DPI or more keeping the height 1 inch. The first box had to be square. So using the crop tool and selecting the picture made a bar on top of the screen appear where you could type in the height or width of the crop for the image. Square had to be 1-inch width and 1 inch height than saved and transferred over to document. Another key tip was starting the crop in the corner instead of middle or the picture would be zoomed in. For the landscape box height had to be less then width (h < w), so I did 1 inch height and 1.5 inch width, cropping any part of the picture and saving it as a jpg as usual. Lastly for the portrait box width had to be less then the height (w
The fourth row dealt with framing or cropping. Key tips to remember for this row was remembering the width from the image size tab and then writing the width in the top bar of Photoshop and keeping the height always at one inch. That way it matches up the original picture with the new crop size. Also it is crucial to make sure your using the original before cropping a picture, so go to open recent and click the original before beginning a new box. The first box had to be a close-up, so I went to the crop tool, made a box in the middle of the picture then moved the box towards the desired spot. After that, I double clicked the spot and the picture zoomed in the area I selected. The second box was basically more of a zoom out of the first and the third box was even more of a zoom out of the second. Basically, it is simpler to start with the original (the 4th box of the row), and then use the crop tool, make your selection, tweak the width and height accordingly and keep zooming in slightly for the 2nd and 3rd boxes and then the close-up is a max zoom on the spot you were aiming for.

The fifth row was about content from abstract to representational. The hard part was finding a decent photo where you could crop to trick the human eye into not knowing what they were looking for. I also had to remember to transfer over the same width and keeping the height one inch from the image size tab to the top bar that appears after selecting the crop tool. So for the abstract box I cropped a part of an image, then double clicked the selected area until it was zoomed in or focusing on a spot of the object, making sure no one could tell what the object was. The two other boxes in between abstract and representational, I used the crop tool and slightly zoomed out by selecting a wider area then double clicking. And lastly for representational, the photo had to look more like the original object/more identifiable, so I just used the original picture to show the contrast from abstract. It was interesting the photo went from a tree looking object (abstract) to a bird (representational).

The last row or the sixth was simple but fun, it dealt with purpose and filters. I found an interesting photo of myself and then put it into Photoshop and than the fun started. I went to the filter tab and picked the artistic palette knife feature and I was able to play around with the detail or different characteristics until I was happy. The next box I went to filter > motion > average blur which fascinated me because it made it look like I was rocking back and forth. The third box I went to filter > sketch > photocopy which turned me into a black and white with almost a comic book feel to it. And the last box was journalistic which was just the original photo. The journalistic box made the entire row interesting because the viewer can now compare the pictures from the other boxes to the original to see it’s transformation through the various filters.

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