Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Tunstall, Thussu & UNESCO on Nicaragua and Central America

1. Summary and analysis of findings:

Between 1950’s and 1990’s the United States lost control of the international news agenda in Central America, they relied on Europeans for foreign news. However, the United States dominated Central America’s economy, politics and media beginning in the 1950’s. Early television systems in Central America were dependent on U.S. programming. The CIA would use state department tactics of ‘plausible deniability’ to trick Central American journalists. The strongest medium, in poorer countries like Nicaragua, was the radio; mountains prevented television and newspapers. The United States knew this and financed legal and illegal radio stations across Central America. The pinnacle of radio propaganda occurred in Nicaragua on behalf of the Contras who were supported by the U.S. (and President Reagan) to aid in democracy and media manipulation. In the 1980’s, America’s policy at home reflected in Nicaragua as well, with Cold War and inter-agency policies, especially during their civil war. When the Somoza Garcia dynasty, which ruled Nicaragua (1937-1979), collapsed, the Sandinistas (Marxists) moved to the left while the rebels (Contras) were the political right. The assassination of Pedro Chamorro, owner of the leading newspaper La Presena, in 1978, led to the Sandinistas' uprising. Reporting in war zones caused the fatalities of many journalists, so news agencies relied on U.S. embassies and the CIA for their information. This information was often faulty. By 1990, peace returned to Central America, and the growing trend of privatization in telecommunications brought in foreign investment. And, furthermore, the spread of democracy continued giving greater freedoms each day.

2. Important Media attributes for Nicaragua and Central America relevant to Media and Global Communications:

-Theories of Globalization: Dependency theory/Cultural Imperialism
-Propaganda and Public Diplomacy: The Contras (U.S. funded) Vs. Sandinistas (Communist)
-U.S. involvement in Central America, CIA
-Radio and Broadcasting and National Media Systems
-Poorer nations and Globalization

As the effects of globalization impact Nicaragua and Central America, these countries are starting to be new and upcoming contributors to the world. The region has been heavily influenced by European and American influences, especially during the Cold War. The United States, in particular, used cultural imperialism to pressure social institutions in Central America and promote values like democracy. In their initial stages, mediums of media, such as radio and television, were heavily dependent on the United States, but in later stages, they grew less dependent. For instance, the CIA used propaganda and inter-agency policies with the Contras to spread democracy, manipulate the masses and defeat the Communist Sandinistas. Black radio stations supplied information and disinformation from inside the country. Especially in poorer nations, new forms of technology, including television, were highly dependent on the U.S. programming, and support as well. Even though Nicaragua and other Central American citizens have the right to express their ideas freely in public or in private, this freedom does not always apply to the media, where there are other rules and regulations that hinder the freedom of the press. Press censorship, especially in the 1970’s, was very common, even with the newspaper La Presena, which used to be funded by the United States. As a whole, journalism in Central America tends to mimic the United States or European style. Central America has not been able to reap the full benefits of Globalization but it is beginning to benefit with privatization and advancements in telecommunications.

3. Attributes I personally find surprising and worthy of further study:

-CIA/United States involvement and illegal actions in Nicaragua, Central America
-Cold War influence on Central America
-Nicaragua’s influence on the rest of the world, Globalization
-The role and influence of missionaries in Central America

It would be interesting to do research into the legal and illegal actions of the CIA in Central America, such as black radio, assassination, and bribery. Examples include the CIA's involvement in the Bay of Pigs in Cuba, and the campaigns in Guatemala, marine invasions and military training which sometimes resulted in coups. Also interesting would be more information about what exactly the United States' motives and targets were, like the spread of democracy, North American control or bestowing American values and culture, and how they influenced and took control of the media and politics within certain Central American countries like Nicaragua. Research into why the U.S. deemed Nicaragua so important in the battle against communism. Now that democracy, for the most part, has triumphed, how are the countries doing compared to pre-Cold War influence? (Nicaragua is a third world country with little opportunity for most of their people.) It would be good to understand how are they influencing other parts of the world with their economy (trade, exportation), media (cultural influences) and political power. Plus, how has globalization affected the poorer nations and how can they take advantage of it, rather than suffer in the wake of the richer, more elite countries? And lastly, what was the role of missionaries who were known for aiding the people by pointing out corruption in government during various dictatorships across Central America? The religious press was more informed than the U.S. or Central American media, or at least less influenced.

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